Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Fast Food Restaurants Essay

Fast Food restaurants are great for the price at which one can obtain the food you want at a fast pace. With so many different food choices there are many opinions about the different varieties of food places and which one is the best. Chickfila, according to Business Insider’s, won the â€Å"best overall† category in the Business Insider’s fast food Reader’s choice awards over restaurants like Chipotle and McDonalds. I believe that Chickfila’s quality of food, their company, and the employees in the company is what makes Chickfila the best in the fast food industry. Chickfila is known for their quality of food. Compared to most fast food restaurants who used processed meat and sometimes their â€Å"meat† does not actually contain real beef or chicken. For example, Chickfila’s nuggets are whole meant and the chicken sandwiches are boneless, hand-breaded, and cooked in 100% peanut oil. Their waffle fries are different from other fast food restaurant which makes them unique and better. Also, their milkshakes make them stand out because of the homemade, handspun ice-dream, ice-cream; and Chickfila also offers seasonal flavors. Compared to most restaurants that have condiments like ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, BBQ, etc. Chickfila has an even wider variety of different condiments like honey BBQ, buffalo, Chickfila sauce, honey mustard, spicy mustard, and many different salad dressings. Lastly, food wise, another major thing Chickfila promotes is a healthier option. Though fast food in general isn’t healthy Chickfila offers a more specific menu to tend to a healthier diet. McDonalds for example, their Big Mac and Salad are no different in their healthiness. Chickfila over the past few years made healthy, healthier; they spent over $50 million dollars perfecting the grilled chicken recipe. Not only is the quality of food excellent compared to other fast food franchises but the company and their policies exceed great expectations. One  unique thing about Chickfila is they are closed on Sundays for rest and worship. Though people that run Chickfila do not have to be Christian but they are required to have: humility, passion for service, compassion, and geniuses. Chickfila exemplifies great character and has an â€Å"everyone welcome† policy which occurred because of a comment Dan Cathy, the CEO of Chickfila made, about gay/homosexuality, but he apologized for these comments and said that everyone is welcome. Chickfila is known for its high quality food, great company values and lastly the employees that work there. Most fast food restaurants are about speed but Chickfila is all about being swift and assertive. There manners are exquisite and make you feel helped and welcomed when they say â€Å"my pleasure† after you have been helped. Another reason their people and company are better than most fast food places is because they spend around $1million dollars every year evaluation service and do quarterly phone survives with customers in exchange for a free chicken sandwich. Though I assume most restaurants also do these kinds of surveys, Chickfila is really the only one I have seen effort and change and promotion of what people are saying. The employee’s standards are held higher standard which focuses on â€Å"servant leadership†. Chickfila is the best fast food restaurant in the fast food enterprises because of their high quality fresh and healthy food choices. Their company demonstrates great qualities and good moral standards and is consistent throughout each restaurant chain. Also, their employees are held to a higher standard than most employees at other restaurants. There company exemplifies true respect, leadership, and high quality food that in my opinion make Chickfila the best fast food restaurant chain in the business.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

African American Contributions to American History Essay

Many blacks contributed to the success of our country in every war that we as a people have ever fought. In order to properly thank them for their heroic effort, I as a Hispanic Caucasian must give credit where credit is due. In order to properly do so, I must begin with the contributions of â€Å"Black America† beginning with the American Revolution and continue up until the World War II. Make no mistake blacks made contributions well past World War II, but in the interest of time and accuracy I must stay within the confines of our earlier history. One main aspect that should be analyzed is the fact that no matter how hard the struggle, blacks have always overcome adversity no matter what the cost. Of course, contributions made by blacks are not limited to war alone, but include a wide spectrum of achievements that have advanced civilization as a whole. My personal respect and thanks go to all people who have served and continue to serve this country at any capacity. But we must never forget the contributions made by our black brothers and sisters who gave their lives fighting for a cause that so greatly affected their lives as well as our well being. Charles Dickens said it best in his book A Tale of Two Cities, â€Å"It was the best of times it was the worst of times†. The American Revolution was a time of great struggle for people of all races. But, Blacks in particular understood the literal meaning of patriot rhetoric, eagerly took up the cause of American freedom, fighting bravely in the early confrontations with the British. Though the revolution freed some blacks and set the country on a course toward the abolition of slavery, political accommodation to plantation owners forestalled emancipation for many blacks in the south for 90 more years. A black man was one of the first martyrs of the patriot cause. Crispus Attucks, apparently a slave who had run away from his owner 20 years before, died in the Boston Massacre in 1770. Though facts were disputed at trials then as now, witnesses said Attucks hit a British officer with a large piece of firewood, grabbed a bayonet and urged the crowd to attack just before the British fired. Attucks and two others were killed while eight were wounded, two mortally. Blacks served at the battles of Lexington and Concord. Peter Salem, a freed slave, stood on the green at Lexington facing the British when the first battle broke out with the shot that was heard around the world. One of the last men wounded in the battle as the British escaped to Boston was Prince Estabrook, a black man from West Lexington. At least 20 blacks, including Peter Salem, were in the ranks two months later when the British attacked an American position outside Boston in the Battle of Bunker Hill. Salem has been honored for firing the shot that killed Major John Pitcairn, the British officer who led the Redcoats when they had attacked his small unit at Lexington. Unable to venture outside Boston and then threatened with cannon surrounding the city, the British left Boston for New York. As the war changed from a Massachusetts endeavor to a broader conflict throughout the colonies, the politics of race changed dramatically. Blacks had been welcomed in the New England militia, but Congress initially decided against having them in the Continental army. Congress needed support from the South if all the colonies were to win their independence from England. Since southern plantation owners wanted to keep their slaves, they were afraid to give guns to blacks. Congress ordered all blacks removed from the army, but black veterans appealed directly to George Washington, who took up their cause with John Hancock, president of the Continental Congress. Blacks serving in the army were allowed to stay, but new enlistments were forbidden. Though the Declaration of Independence declared that â€Å"all men were created equal,† many blacks soon saw more opportunity on the British side. The British governor of Virginia promised immediate freedom and wages to any slave who would join the Kings army. Hundreds flocked to the standard of the governor, Lord Dunmore, but he was denied a base on the land by the American forces and many of the blacks who joined him died of smallpox on overcrowded ships. The loyalty of blacks was a serious issue for the American leaders because blacks made up one-fifth of the two million people in the colonies. With the British soldiers already outnumbering the American troops, and recruitment difficult for the patriots, the northern colonies soon again began to enlist blacks. Rhode Island made up a regiment almost entirely of blacks. As the war continued, colonies as far south as Maryland and Virginia were recruiting free blacks for the American cause. As the war spread into the South, Congress found it needed to recruit slaves. It offered to pay South Carolina slave owners $1,000 for able-bodied male slaves. The slaves would receive no pay, but would be given $50 and their freedom at the end of the war if they served â€Å"well and faithfully. † The South Carolina Assembly threatened to leave the war, dooming the plan in the southernmost colonies. Recruitment of blacks to the American cause continued further north, but the patriots had less success than the British. The offer of immediate freedom extended by Virginia’s unfortunate loyalist governor was eventually made by the British throughout the colonies. Slaves joined the British by the tens of thousands. The fate of the loyalist blacks varied considerably. Some were captured by Americans and either returned to their masters or treated as war loot and sold back into slavery. Approximately 20,000 were with the British at the end of the war, taken to Canada or the Caribbean. Some became the founders of the British colony of Sierra Leone in West Africa. Even though the British offered slaves a better deal, many blacks served on the American side. They made up a sizeable share of the men in the Continental navy, state navies and the large force of American privateers. Blacks had long been in the labor force on ships and at seaports. On the water, then as now, skill counted for more than politics. The precise role of blacks in the revolution is difficult to quantify. Blacks in those days generally did not write. The people who did write early histories of the revolution were whites and concentrated on the efforts of white men. Also, many participants in the revolution were not specifically identified by race in the documents of the time and historians now have no way of knowing whether they were black. When blacks were allowed to serve in the American military, they often did work as laborers, sometimes in addition to regular soldier duties. Usually they were privates, though a few rose to command small groups of men. The words of the Declaration of Independence were taken literally by blacks and some whites. In, 1780, Pennsylvania became the first colony to pass a law phasing out slavery. Children born to slaves after that date were granted their freedom when they reached 28. Other northern states followed. The Superior Court of Massachusetts held in 1783 that slavery violated the state constitution, and New Hampshire also ended slavery by a court ruling. Vermont outlawed slavery and Connecticut and Rhode Island passed gradual emancipation laws. New York outlawed slavery in 1799 and New Jersey followed in 1804. The international slave trade was outlawed in 1808. Progress then came to a stop. A boom in cotton production spread the slave economy into the lower Mississippi Valley. Slave states were careful to control at least half the political power in the federal government, blocking any national movement against slavery until the Civil War. The 54th Massachusetts Regiment On January 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the slaves in the rebelling territories of the confederacy and authorizing Black enlistment in the Union Army. Since the beginning of the Civil War, free Black people in general, and Black Bostonians in particular, were ready to gather arms on behalf of the Union, yet they were prevented from doing so. Popular racial stereotypes and institutional discrimination against Blacks in the military contributed to the prevailing myth that Black men lacked the intelligence and bravery necessary to serve their country. By the fall of 1862, however, the lack of White Union enlistment and confederate victories at Antietem forced the U. S. government to reconsider its racist policy. As Congress met in October to address the issue of Black enlistment, various troops of Black volunteers had already been organized, including the First South Carolina and the Kansas Colored Troops. It wasn’t until January 26, 1863; however, that secretary of war Edwin Stanton authorized the enlistment of Black troops. As a result, the 54th Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer infantry was founded, becoming the first all-Black Union regiment raised in the north. Training began for Black volunteers at Camp Meigs in Reedville, MA on February 21, 1863. Although some members of the community voiced opposition to the prevention of Black men from achieving the rank of colonel or officer, most community activists urged Black men to seize the opportunity to serve in the Union forces. The fear many Black volunteers had about the potential racism of White officers and colonels was calmed when Massachusetts Governor John Andrew assured Bostonians that White officers assigned to the 54th Regiment would be â€Å"young men of military experience, of firm anti-slavery principles, ambitious, superior to a vulgar contempt for color, and having faith in the capacity of colored men for military service. † Andrew held to his word, appointing 25-year-old Robert Gould Shaw as colonel and George P. Hallowell as Lieutenant. The son of wealthy abolitionists, Shaw had been educated in Europe and at Harvard before joining the seventh New York National Guard in 1861. In 1862, when Governor Andrew contacted Shaw’s father about the prospect of commissioning his son as colonel of the soon-to-be organized fifty-fourth, Shaw was an officer in the Second Massachusetts Infantry. Although reluctant to accept the commission, Shaw eventually became colonel. By the time training began at Camp Meigs, Shaw and his officers began work with the soldiers whose bravery would forever change public perception of Black military skill and valor. Black community leaders across the country such as Frederick Douglass and William Wells Brown served as recruiting agents for the Union army. As a result, over 1000 volunteers enlisted in the 54th Regiment, a response so overwhelming that Massachusetts organized a second Black regiment, the fifty-fifth. Men of the fifty-fourth represented twenty-four states, the District of Columbia, the West Indies, and Africa. Approximately 25% of them had been slaves, over 50% were literate, and, although as civilians they had worked in forty-six different occupations, the overwhelming majorities (55%) were common laborers. Regardless of origin, occupation, or social class, the men of the 54th Regiment both inspired Boston’s Black community and provided a symbol of pride for abolitionists across the country. Activists such as William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglass visited Camp Meigs to show their support. Although the organization of the 54th Regiment resolved the conflict over Black enlistment in the Union army, the struggle of Black soldiers to gain respect in the military was just beginning. Upon arrival in the south, the Black soldiers were often treated as common laborers and the potential for their valor on the battlefield was disregarded. Upon arriving in Georgia on June 11, they were ordered by Col. James Montgomery of the Department of the South to raid the town of Darien. Reports of Black soldiers burning buildings and ravaging the homes of townspeople confirmed stereotypes of Black soldiers as un-trainable brutes. Col. Shaw found the raid on Darien barbarous and distasteful, and sent a letter to Brigadier General George C. Strong, requesting that the men be used in the planned attack on Fort Wagner, South Carolina. On July 16, the 54th Regiment fought alongside White soldiers of the 10th Connecticut Infantry in a skirmish on James Island, SC. This battle redeemed the Black soldiers’ fighting ability in the eyes of White skeptics, including General Strong, who commanded the 54th Regiment to lead the assault on Fort Wagner, scheduled for July 18. Strategically, a successful attack on Fort Wagner would allow Union forces to seize control of Charleston Harbor. Located on Morris Island, Fort Wagner protected Battery Gregg overlooking Fort Sumter. Thus, seizure of Fort Wagner was valuable because it enabled the Union to shell Sumter and close the harbor to confederate blockade runners, thereby paving the way for further Union attack on Charleston. Fort Wagner was located at the northern tip of Morris Island, and was controlled by 1700 troops and 17 artillery guns. Depleted to just over 600 men by the skirmish two days previous, the men of the 54th Regiment were ordered to lead the assault on Fort Wagner with the backing of regiments from New York, Connecticut, Maine, and Pennsylvania. Before the charge commenced, Colonel Shaw ordered the regiment to â€Å"prove yourselves as men. † Within 200 feet of the Fort, the confederates began to attack as the brave men of the 54th Regiment struggled through darkness, four-foot deep water, and marshland. Colonel Shaw, accompanied by dwindling numbers of dying men, managed to reach the top of the parapet where a bitter hand-to-hand combat ensued, the Black Union soldiers with bayonets against the White Confederate soldiers with handspikes and gun rammers. Colonel Shaw was mortally wounded with a pierce through the heart, along with a dozen of his men. Meanwhile, members of the 54th Regiment – some wounded, some dying – began to retreat; those who refused to back down were taken prisoner. As the smoke cleared, evidence of Confederate victory was immediately apparent, with 174 Rebel casualties and 1515 Union soldiers dead or wounded. Of the eleven regiments who participated in the Union assault, the fifty-forth Regiment accrued the most casualties, with 256 of their 600 men dead or wounded. Despite the heavy losses, the assault on Fort Wagner proved to the nation and the world the valor of Black soldiers in general and the men of the 54th Regiment in particular. From the ranks of the fifty-forth came stories of unfailing patriotism and undying glory. The men of the 54th Massachusetts Regiment, their White officers, colonel, and allies, not only struck a blow for American freedom and unity, they also proved to the nation and the world the valor, bravery, and devotion of African American soldiers. In the sacrifice made by Col. Shaw and his soldiers, Americans witnessed, for the first time, the supremacy of equality over racism, discrimination, and ignorance. Upon his death at Fort Wagner, the body of Col. Shaw was placed in a mass grave on Morris Island along with the bodies of his soldiers. The lack of proper military burial for a man who had distinguished himself as a soldier and as a leader was intended to insult the honor of Shaw and his family, who were deemed as race traitors by Confederates and White unionists alike. However, upon learning that his son had been buried with his black soldiers, Francis Shaw stated, with dignity, that â€Å"We hold that a soldier’s most appropriate burial place is on the field where he has fallen. † This statement and the honor displayed by the Shaw family and veterans of the fifty-fourth helped immortalize Shaw and his men as symbols of the Civil War battle for unity and equality. As a result of the 54th Regiment, over 180,000 Black men enlisted under the Union flag between 1863 and 1865. AFRICAN AMERICAN MILITARY SERVICE from WWI through WWII. During the global conflicts of the first half of the 20th century, U. S. servicemen fought in Europe for the first time in the nation’s history. African Americans were among the troops committed to combat in World War I (WWI) and World War II (WWII), even though they and other black Americans were denied the full blessings of the freedom for which the United States had pledged to fight. Traditional racist views about the use of black troops in combat initially excluded African Americans from the early recruiting efforts and much of the actual combat in both wars. Nonetheless, large numbers of African Americans still volunteered to fight for their country in 1917-18 and 1940-45. Once again, many black servicemen hoped their military contribution and sacrifice would prove to their white countrymen that African Americans desired and deserved a fully participatory role in U. S. society. Unfortunately, the deeply entrenched negative racial attitudes prevalent among much of the white American population, including many of the nation’s top military and civilian leaders, made it very difficult for blacks to serve in the military establishment of this period. African-American servicemen suffered numerous indignities and received little respect from white troops and civilians alike. The historic contributions by blacks to the defense of the United States were usually ignored or downplayed, while combat failures similar to those of whites and violent racial incidents often provoked by whites were exaggerated into a condemnation of all African Americans. In the â€Å"Jim Crow† world of pre-1945 America, black servicemen confronted not only the hostility of enemies abroad but that of enemies at home. African-American soldiers and sailors had two formidable obstacles to deal with: discrimination and segregation. Yet, black servicemen in both world wars repeatedly demonstrated their bravery, loyalty, and ability in combat or in support of frontline troops. Oftentimes, they accomplished these tasks without proper training or adequate equipment. Poor communications and a lack of rapport with their white officers were two additional burdens hampering the effectiveness and efficiency of African Americans in the military. Too frequently, there was little or no recognition or gratitude for their accomplishments. One of the worst slights of both wars was the willingness of the white establishment to allow racism to influence the award of the prestigious Medal of Honor. Although several exceptionally heroic African Americans performed deeds worthy of this honor, not one received at the time the award that their bravery and self-sacrifice deserved. It took over 70 years for the United States to rectify this error for WWI and over 50 years for WWII. Despite the hardships and second-class status, their participation in both wars helped to transform many African-American veterans as well as helped to eventually change the United States. Though still limited by discrimination and segregation at home, their sojourn in Europe during WWI and WWII made many black servicemen aware that the racial attitudes so common among white Americans did not prevail everywhere else. The knowledge that skin color did not preclude dignity and respect made many black veterans unwilling to submit quietly to continuing racial discrimination once they returned to the United States. In addition, the growing importance of black votes beginning in the 1930s and 1940s forced the nation’s political and military leaders to pay more attention to African Americans’ demands, particularly in regard to the military. Although it was a tedious and frustrating process, one too often marked by cosmetic changes rather than real reform, by the end of WWII, the U. S. military establishment slowly began to make some headway against racial discrimination and segregation within its ranks. The stage was set for President Harry S Truman’s landmark executive order of 26 July 1948. Another main contribution of note would be the trails and tribulations of the Tuskegee Airmen. In the 1940’s, it was still believed that Blacks were incapable of flying aircraft. This myth was dispelled with the help of the U. S. Congress. On June 27, 1939 – THE CIVILIAN PILOT TRAINING ACT was passed. This solitary ACT helped to create a reserve of civilian pilots to be called in case of War. Young black pilots were given the opportunity to train with U. S. approved programs located at TUSKEGEE INSTITUTE. The SELECTIVE SERVICE ACT OF 1940 also increased the opportunity for a broader participation of Blacks in the military when it banned discrimination in the selection and training of all American citizens because of race and color. The success of the CIVILIAN PILOT TRAINING ACT helped put the 99TH PURSUIT SQUADRON OF TUSKEGEE on the map. It was said that â€Å"the success of Negro youth in the Army Air Force would be predicated upon the success of the ‘Tuskegee Experiment. ‘† HBO’s docudrama, THE TUSKEGEE AIRMEN, is a good depiction of this era of Black Americans seeking acceptance as military pilots. Because of the opportunity provided by the Civilian Pilot Training Act, the number of Blacks in the ARMY AIR FORCE jumped from 2,250 in 1941 to over 145,000 by 1944. The two major groups to see combat as AAF men were the 99TH PURSUIT SQUADRON and the 332ND FIGHTER GROUP. Out of the 332nd Group came the 100th, 301st, and 302nd Squadrons under the command of Lieutenant Colonel BENJAMIN O. DAVIS, SR. , who became America’s FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN GENERAL on October 25, 1940. By 1944, the 99th was added to the 332nd and participated in campaigns in Sicily, Rome, and Romania. The 99th and 332nd earned many DISTINGUISHED UNIT CITATIONS. These historical examples are but a small sample of the many great contributions and sacrifices made by black people in order to secure freedom and prosperity for this great nation. We owe them a debt than can never be fully repaid. If anything these great contributions should curtail any negative or racial thoughts toward such a magnanimous people. You would think that with all that has transpired throughout history, that we as a people could live and coexist together with peace and harmony. My only hope is that with time people will come to realize that we are all not that different from one another and that we can thrive together for a better future for all of us.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Kant and Singer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Kant and Singer - Essay Example It does not dictate equal treatment of all interests, in the belief that different interests guarantee different treatment (Singer 26). Human beings, therefore, give significant interests priority over minor interests. Apart from justifying different treatment for different interests, this principle calls for different treatment of the same interest where diminishing marginal utility is a factor. This philosophy of Singer requires the concept of impartiality while comparing interests. Singer asserts that a person’s interests must always be weighed according to the person’s existing properties. The major interests in human beings are those that satisfy the basic need for food and shelter, develop one’s abilities, avoid pain, and enjoy warm personal relationships and those that allow a person to pursue his or her project without interference. These major interests entitle a person to equal consideration in the capacity of happiness and suffering. Singer’s approach favors a model of life where he measures the minor interest from their wrongness of frustrating the goals of life. Singer argues that eating of animals and using them for scientific research is morally indefensible (Singer 48). From his perspective, like human beings, animals have interests and are, therefore, sentient. More so, since animals have interests, they are entitled to moral consi deration. Every genuine interest should be treated with the same weight, regardless of whether it is an animal or human being. He describes eating animals as an unnecessary imposition of pain and suffering upon animals. Human beings satisfy their dietary preferences by inflicting such pain on animals, but beyond that, no good comes of it. This gets based on the fact that even heavy consumption of meat poses serious health dangers to human beings. Singer views the use of animals in a scientific experiment as a morally defensible act in the fact that it produces knowledge and in particular medical research. Since medical research produces cures for diseases, there are more goods to be balanced against the pain and suffering of animals. This benefit is much better than the human satisfaction obtained from meat consumption. Singer’s view is based on moral reasoning based on a cost-benefit analysis. Singer’s view on euthanasia and abortion are consistent with his general et hical principles. Singer categorizes euthanasia into non-voluntary, voluntary and involuntary. Singer only consents to voluntary euthanasia in the fact that there are no other interests to be weighed against the interest of a person. In Singer’s view, abortion is wrong in that it is the killing of an innocent human life. This argument is deductively valid in that a fetus becomes a human being from the point of conception (Singer 98). Although Singer finds this argument flawed from the fact that child development is a gradual process, the validity still lies in the fact that life as a journey starts at the point where life begins; conception. Singer states that the arguments for or against abortion should be based on a utilitarian perspective. This perspective compares the interests of a woman against the interest of the fetus. He believes that any interest sought to be gained or avoided; despite all the harm or benefits caused corresponds directly to a person’s satisfa ction or frustration. He argues that, at around eighteen weeks, a fetus has no ability to experience sensations like satisfaction or frustration which is a prerequisite to having any interests (Singer 63). Therefore, from a utilitarian perspective, nothing can be weighed against a woman’s interest to have an abortion. As a result, abortion is morally permissible. Immanuel Kant

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Determinism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Determinism - Essay Example Free Will, Soft Determinism, (In)compatibilism Some of the eternal normative questions such as that of morality too have shaped the major arguments of compatibilism. The problem is that without free will, it is believed that there cannot be any morality among the human beings. The issue is ultimately about human choice. The starting point of the debate is not that what the choice must be. On the other hand, the question here is about whether human beings have the choice of choice at all, especially in their crucial actions with regards to life struggles. Pippin proposes that â€Å"freedom is understood by Hegel to involve a certain sort of self-relation and a certain sort of relation to others; it is constituted by being in a certain self-regarding and a certain sort of ‘mutually recognizing’ state. This state of self-consciousness and socially mediated self-reflection, defined in a highly elaborate systematic way as a ‘rational’ self- and other-relation, c ounts as being free† (p. 194). It means that free will is not only constituted with relations to one’s self but also in relations to other as well. Free will, in other words, is constituted by a dialectical relationship between the individual and the society. Here, in Hegel, the conflict between free will and determinism progressively blurs. One of the most important questions that need to be addressed reflexively is the problems of whether determinism is inconsistent with free will. But, one could argue that there is no given inconsistency as such between determinism and free will based on his/her lived in experiences alone. If the actions of a person are completely determined by rational factors, we must be in a position to correctly predict that person’s future course of action as well. No determinists have ever come up with a mechanism to do so whatever determinism they preach in theory. According to Steward, â€Å"it appears that it is a matter of luck in s ome sense that we ever manage to decide things, but this luck does not appear to prevent those decisions we do manage to make from having been truly up to us. And this means that we must be cautious, in turn, about the demands we impose on the libertarian. In particular, we must not insist that the libertarian story entail that luck be entirely absent from the arena of action† (p. 169). The dialectics between chance and necessity of course have a crucial role in understanding the interactions between free will and determinism. God or the ultimate determinism must itself be seen as an expression of the free will of the universe. Pippin suggests that â€Å"treating Geist itself as a kind of norm; a collective institution whereby we (remaining the natural organisms we ontologically are) hold each other to a responsiveness to and directedness by reason, and thereby realize spirit as ‘freedom† (p. 204). It is the universal and human beings’ hold with it determin es our free expression of the will. The free will does not exist independently. It materializes itself only in the given conditions. To argue that human beings are completely governed by their decisions is completely wrong. Even our own decisions do not determine our own behavior or a particular course of action. It is one of the strongest assertions of Steward is that â€Å"decisiveness is an executive virtue we do not all possess – so vacillation – even vacillation that is ultimately fatal to treasured aims - does not constitute the sort of behaviour we cannot make

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Global cooperation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Global cooperation - Essay Example Issues like the ravaging HIV/AIDS that has seen so many persons wiped out from the face of the earth is only possible to tackle with the window of international cooperation. Economic issues like the 2007 global depression would only be tackled when there exists some cooperation amongst the nations of the world. It is in such scenarios that technocrats from all over the world meet and deliberate on how to save the world economy while taking care of individual states interest. (Frieden 2012) Sporting actions like the Olympics and the FIFA Football World Cup can only take place when there is global cooperation and the benefits of such events have all been there for all to see hence it cannot be disputed in any way. Finally it is only through global cooperation that peace could be maintained amongst the nations of the world. The occurrence of the world wars was partly due to a lack of a clear roadmap to achieve this objective of international

The father and son motif in Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel Essay

The father and son motif in Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel - Essay Example Ironically, the way in which this motif permeates the poem gives rise to nearly all of the stages of the story. This essay will argue that the father-son motif in Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel demonstrates the implicit vulnerability of all patriarchal relationships; more particularly, this essay will explain how Dryden employs the father-son motif in order to highlight the danger of a patriarch loving uncritically, the danger of a patriarch offering mercy and restraint to enemies, and the painful burdens that patriarchal figures must endure if they are to survive in such a role. The poem begins almost as an apology; it is apologetic because patriarchs and fathers are forgiven in advance for the miseries to be encountered in the current age. This reference to simpler times is introduced in the first few lines, when Dryden offers that, "In pious times, ere priestcraft did begin, Before polygamy was made a sin; When man on many multiplied his kind, Ere one to one was cursedly confined; When nature prompted, and no law denied, Promiscuous use of concubine and bride;" (1-6). The implication is that there was a time when fatherhood implied no predominant obligation; indeed, this reference to pious times views the father-son relationship without the imposition of certain conditions or risks. Having a generalized duty to many people, being promiscuous and without the curse of being confined, the father may pursue his life freely. The patriarch, in short, may interact with others when nature prompts, he may choose and discard his relationships arbitrarily, and he wi ll not be judged a legitimate or illegitimate father by others. The pious times, in effect, were without negative consequences. These pious times, on the other hand, are at an end. The father-son motif, particularly with the birth of Absalom, demonstrates the most immediate vulnerability of patriarchy. Patriarchal consequences arise and vest most forebodingly with the birth of Absalom. The indifference notable in pious times is notably absent; quite the contrary, King David, was borne a son described as "So beautiful, so brave,Whether inspired by some diviner lust, His father got him with a greater gust; Or that his conscious destiny made way, By manly beauty, to imperial sway" (18-22). The "imperial sway" language is particularly significant; it is significant because King David is creating a special place in his heart and in his monarchy for Absalom. There is no longer any indifference; more interesting, the son has been elevated to a position higher than that enjoyed by either King David's other children or by King David's subjects. It is easy to ascribe the villainy to come to Achitophel, and yet the first sign of a faction is created by the father himself. To be more precise, rather than maintaining a strictly patriarchal relation to all men, King David instead elevated the s on whom would later become his enemy and the cause of much sadness. Thus, if Achitophel might be blamed for taking advantage of this father-son relationship, then King David must accept responsibility for having given so much favor to Absalom in the

Friday, July 26, 2019

NUMMI Case Study External Environment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

NUMMI External Environment - Case Study Example Discussion The effects of the government`s laws and regulations to the business. The aspect of a government`s involvement in the operations of a given business is an external factor that can either have a positive or negative impact on the business. In this case, the government of the United States has stipulated various regulations to guide various aspects in the production of motor vehicles; the main role of the set benchmark was to govern the construction of motor vehicle engines in a manner that emits limited quantities of exhaust whose final impact on the business became negative. These regulations forced the company to increase their production cost since the production of the required engines was very expensive thus leading to a negative influence on the General Motors Company which at that time focused on production of large vehicles with bigger engines that emitted large quantities of exhaust since the production cost was favorable. This presented the Company with a major ch allenge that involved seeking for better ways that that could not agree with the financial status of the company since the customers started demanding for high quality vehicles thus leading to a left shift in the demand curve of the vehicles manufactured before the new regulations came were enforced. Despite the fact that the General Motors struggled to produce vehicles that met the government and customer standards, they experienced frequent losses as their products were of low quality since they could not meet the required standards of both the customers and the government. The management of the NUMMI had to modify their strategies used in terms of production so as to face the challenge. As a result, the above challenge created the need to seek external assistance in order to improve their productivity hence profits; a solution was formulated which could see the Company form a partnership with the Toyota Company in Japan. The agreement was that Toyota could assist General Motors C ompany to produce smaller cars with higher operational qualities. The merger led to the formation of the New United Motor Manufacturing Incorporated (NUMMI). However, General Motors Company did not implement most of the modes of car production systems employed by Toyota Company hence leading to the closure and failure of some of its branches such as the Van Nuys in the year 1992 (Glass 9). Economic Recession The second aspect of external environment that led to the failure of the General Motors Company is the economic recession experienced in the United States of America that resulted to the loss of the Company’s market share from forty seven percent to thirty five percent from the late 1907’s to the early 1980’s (Glass 10). At that time, the recession was characterized by excessive car production that led to deflation in the markets. The reduction of the market share of the General Motors Company enabled many of the customers to develop a negative perception to wards the products produced by the company due to the fact that they were of low quality. The media and the consumer report magazine also played a big role in the failure of the company since they portrayed a negative perception of the company towards the consumers thus enabling them to ignore the NNUMIS`s products (Glass 12). By the year 1992, the Company had made a loss of approximately twenty billion US dollars propagated by the recession and the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Writing and Reporting News, page 216, exercise 1 Assignment

Writing and Reporting News, page 216, exercise 1 - Assignment Example Clariz replied, â€Å"no kidding, where?†. Ana retorted, â€Å"on your left girl but don’t make a huge turn you will become obvious†. Clariz said â€Å"Lord Almighty, look at those arms and chest, I can’t wait to be crushed by those, I am going to faint right now†. Ana however admonished Clariz saying â€Å"ssshhh! You are so obvious!† â€Å"Oh my God, Oh my God! He smiled at me, he’s so cute!†. Ana countered â€Å"hey bitch, its you who is obvious now, flirt!†. Clariz however commented â€Å"He smiled at I am gonna so die right now†. Each girl smiled at the person named Erick when he passed by. The girls did not resort to hysteria and surprisingly managed to composed themselves when the person of their interest passed by. After which, they described his physical anatomy and what they imagined he can do where the details may need to be redacted to make it acceptable for public consumption. The manner they described Erick attest that words can assume another meaning when it is used to describe a

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ethical Consumer Behavior Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Ethical Consumer Behavior - Assignment Example Consumer behavior is one of the most important subjects that are studied in the marketing and management fields. This concept is defined as the study of the groups, individuals and organizations regarding the methods and process that they utilize for the selection, securing and disposing of the services, products, ideas, or experiences. This subject mainly refers to a detailed assessment of the satisfaction of consumer needs and the influence that the applied processes have on the society and consumers. The concept of consumer behavior combines various elements from the sociology, psychology, economics and social anthropology. It strives upon understanding the entire process of the decision -making of buyers, both individually and in groups (Blackwell, Miniard, and Engel, 2006). It studies characteristics of individual consumers such as demographics and behavioral variables in an attempt to understand peoples wants. It also tries to assess influences on the consumer from groups such as family, friends, reference groups, and society in general. The concept of ethical consumerism has gained a lot of significance in the shopping segments of United Kingdoms and the United States. Ethical consumerism is defined as the concept in which the consumer depicts such activism which is practiced through the concept of positive buying and favoring of ethical products. According to this concept, the consumers are empowered to make ethical decisions, the consumption choices that are ethically informed and are provided with reliable and authentic information on corporate behavior. In order to assist the consumers with ethical buying behaviors, various standards and tables have been developed by the organizations. These include Fair-trade, Organic Foods, Made in the USA and various other standards which formulate a certain benchmark to be followed (Bird, Kate, and David, 1997).

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy - Essay Example The Governor of Texas, John Connally and his better half was also present there inside the car along with Mr. & Mrs. Kennedy. Sitting in a Lincoln convertible, the Kennedys and Connallys waved at the extensive and energetic swarms assembled along the parade way. As their vehicle passed the Texas School Book Depository Building at 12:30 p.m., Lee Harvey Oswald supposedly shot three shots from the sixth storey, lethally wounding President Kennedy and genuinely harming Governor Connally. Kennedy was professed dead 30 minutes after the fact at Dallas Parkland Hospital. He was 46. Following the incident, several investigative sources stated several reasons behind the assassination of the President. There were numerous questions among the general public like, â€Å"who killed the president?† and â€Å"why he was killed?† this report will find the answers for these questions. Thus the thesis statement here can be established as, â€Å"exploring the mystery behind the presiden t’s murder and finding out the most reasonable theory related to the murder†. Maybe the focal mystery is the means by which a man who appeared to be a loser could execute such a horrendous action. Lee Harvey Oswald was aimless, to a great extent alone, distracted, as per the official Warren Commission report. Yet in seconds, he changed the course of history. History is loaded with ludicrous truths – yet regardless. The single shooter hypothesis is one numerous Americans discover hard to acknowledge. The Warren Commission, headed by US Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren, stated that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. At the same time today, 61 percent of the respondents to another Gallup survey still say they accept somebody other than Oswald was involved in the case. There are three more mysteries related to the incident. Thin at the starting, they open to uncover bigger inquiries at the close. Numerous investigators pose to

Monday, July 22, 2019

Philosophy of life Essay Example for Free

Philosophy of life Essay What is the meaning of life? The answer to this question has sought over since mankind became capable of exercising their brain capacity past a level of primal instinct. In general life is rather meaningless, we all simply exist together on this planet. But before one dwells on the pointlessness of human existence, they should think about the purpose of each individual person in our society. We create goals for ourselves; we all have a role to play in our society. In a sense, we choose our future and in doing so, give ourselves a purpose to live. The purpose of human existence in general may be absent, but in our society and through our goals and achievements, I believe each individual creates their own purpose. Through one question I realized this great truth: what do you want to be when you grow up? For the longest time, I didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up. What did it matter to me anyway? I was a kid (well, I suppose I still am) and didn’t like any of the generic jobs they told us about in elementary school. Police force, teachers, fireman, none of them interested me. Then, in middle school, my life changed, a lot. I got completely new friends, after the old ones left me behind. I slowly started to become more and more enclosed, I spent most of my time out of school alone. As I developed into this over-dramatic teenage state, life suddenly became meaningless. I would often find myself sitting bored in my room, mindlessly surfing the internet or playing videogames. I slowly started to hate it; it was like I could feel my brain melting inside my head. I needed to find a more constructive hobby, and so I found myself musical instruments and started creating more and more music every day. Music became my life and from then on, I knew that my goal, the meaning of my life, was to become a musician. I believe that life was meant to be enjoyed; nobody wants to spend their life in a dead end job. After all, just how much meaning is in an unhappy life? Just ask Monty Python’s John Cleese, who states, â€Å"If I had not gone into Monty Python, I probably would have stuck to my original plan to graduate and become a chartered accountant, or perhaps a barrister lawyer, and gotten a nice house in the suburbs with a nice wife and kids, and gotten a country club membership, and then I would have killed myself. † I find this quote strongly inspiring because instead of choosing a highly respectable, well paying job and living a comfortable life, he choose to work with some of most popular men to ever wear woman’s clothing. Comedy is what he finds gives meaning to his life, and although his second choices would have been nice, Cleese didn’t find as much value in them as he did in Monty Python. Perhaps life itself is meaningless, but I believe it doesn’t have to be. I believe that a happy life is a meaningful one. I believe that mankind may not collectively have a reason for existence or a common goal, but each individual certainly does. I believe that each and every person has to create their own reason to live, instead of waiting for that reason to come to them, or they must just find themselves waiting forever.

Purple color Essay Example for Free

Purple color Essay Purple color of tetraphenylcyclopentadienone was isolated by aldol condensation between dibenzylketone and benzil. Water was also produced, but it was eliminated by polar protic solvent, triethylene, and heat. Thus, the mixture was heated until the temperature of the mixture reached to 100 ? C so as to eliminate the water present and also to increase the rate of reaction due to increase in entropy. Benzyltrimethylamonium hydroxide was used as a base catalyst. Since catalyst increases the reaction rate much faster at higher temperature, it was added to the mixture at 100 ? C. Once the catalyst was added to the mixture, it turned to dark muddy like and the temperature went up to 120 ? C. Dark purple, muddy like mixture indicated the completion of the reaction. Increase in the temperature indicated that the reaction was exothermic reaction. The completion of the reaction was also confirmed by the color of the filtrate. Methanol washed the impurities and the catalyst on the filter and thus color of the filtrate changed from brown to purple. The product, tetraphenylcyclopentadienone, was purple even though the two reagents benzil and dibenzylketone were yellow and colorless respectively. Tetraphenylcyclopentadienone has extended conjugation between five carbon rings and four phenyl groups that increase stability and thereby lowers overall energy of the molecule. Thus, it absorbs light at lower energy and longer wavelength that is in visible spectrum. Thin layer chromatography (TLC) was used to test purity of the product, i. e. , tetraphenylcyclopentadienone. Only one spot in the product lane in the TLC plate was observed under UV light which indicated that the product was relatively pure. The percentage of recovery was 76%. Some of the product was possibly lost when the mixture was heated. The mixture was heated quickly, so some of undesired product was also formed. Also, some of the product was possibly washed by methanol because solubility is not absolute.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Importance of Operational Efficiency in an Organization

Importance of Operational Efficiency in an Organization 1. Executive summary Operational efficiency and its quality of providing service is most important factor whatever organization either production or service. That is most important part in any company operations whether it is business oriented or nonprofit oriented organizations also are highly concern their organizational growth and local and regional expansion of their operations. Mainly operational efficiency and performance is depending on the external environment drivers. Those external drivers are creating competition and intense of the among the industry player. Therefore future strategic planning, contingency plan, operation strategy is most important and playing vital role to face forthcoming changes. If the organization is not be able to manage those changes that happening in the originations and outside organization directly affect on operational efficiency of the organization. To face those environment changes most prudent strategies make adjustment in organization operating style and strate gies. That does will help to achieve organizations corporate objectives as planned. Mainly manufacturing service organizations are performing functions such as; Sales Marketing Human resource Operation Accounting Finance or treasury IT/Information department Logistic/branch management Channel management Internal auditing Risk management So called functions linking each other and having inter dependencies, no one can override those operational activities. Everybody work in the must focus on very well on operational activities. Because, at the end of year shareholders (investors) are raising questions at AGM, how much of amount of return generate by businesses and whether business operations went smoothly, what will be the future plans to deliver high rate of return for our investment and what type of operational strategy going to carryout to face the completion. So on frequently raise the questions by shareholders. Production and operation management was begun with industrialization. But it play vital role in the service sectors. In the contemporary world named it as Operation Management. Contribution of this subject is making bigger differences for business functions. Multinational local companies have established independent department to manage their operational activities very well. For an instance nowadays eme rging business is banking financial service company name called Nation Trust Bank. That bank routine operations are making huge impact on their business performance. That is because; bank performance is driven by its operational capacity style. Mainly employees and customers satisfaction are most important element to show outstanding performance and to attract the new customers. In this industry is driven by managing effectively whole operations of the business. Lack of operation management delivers poor performance. To provide remarkable service wider range of service related need to have well defined operations strategy to uplift business. This assignment report mainly focused on current practice of operation management banking industry and assignment contain the followings. Define operation management, its characteristic and playing role in banking financial service industry. Evaluate the goals and objectives are achieved in operation management objectives. Define systems in operations in relation to service and routine activities. Major resource, tools and systems that are supporting operations and to support quality of service of the bank. Analyzing importance of quality audit and implementation of quality management system in bank. Major weakness and explore opportunities to improve the bank service to satisfy the stake holders of the business. Making recommendation to capitalize the opportunities and avoid weakness of the bank. Conclusion of assignment 2. Define term of operations management According to literature production operation management are considering as one subject but in the current situation totally expert says about it as Operation management is subject that Design, execution and control firms operations that converts it resources into desired goods and services, and implement its business strategy and its define as another way The maintenance, control and improvement of organizational activities that are required to produce good or service. Operations Management deals with design and management of products, process, services and supply chains. It considers the acquisition, development, and utilization of resources that firms need to deliver the goods and services their client wants. First definition can be related the following diagram is simple operation of any organization. Feed Back Input inputs Service Process servicing process Out put Maximize customer satisfaction Employees Money (local foreign) Savings accounts Information Systems Open up Bank A/C Cashiering Credit card promotion Mortgaging Generate bank statements Buying selling of foreign currencies Happiest or loyal customer The above diagram we can see operations different operations in the input level, process level and output level. Therefore we can conclude that 2.1. Operation management from aspect of Nation Trust Bank To get analyze importance of operations of the bank the vision mission and values is helping out it Vision Making life simple by being the benchmark of convenience Mission Be innovative in continuously developing customer centric solutions. Unleash the talent of our team to be the best in the industry. Consistently grow market share and be the most profitable and respected Sri Lankan bank by 2015. Values Inspirational leadership Integrity in all our dealings Open communication Learning focused Meritocracy Prudent risk management Respect for all Innovation and continuous improvement Nurture relationships Socially and environmentally responsible Vision, mission and value are Nation Trust Bank (NTB) operational objectives in relation to corporate objective. Organization chart shows hierarchy of the departments Chairman Deputy Chairman Board of Directors CEO Corporate management Senior management Branch management Managers Operation management Corporate management overlooking the follwing functions Director/CEO DGM Retail Banking DGM SME Banking DGM Cards, Consumer Assets and Strategic Marketing DGM Corporate and Institutional Banking Chief Operating Officer Head of Legal and Company Secretary Chief Financial Officer Head of Human Resources Head of Credit and Market Risk Management Head of Internal Audit Consultant/Head of Treasury Consultant/Head of Operational Risk and Compliance Senior management overlooking functions are; Trade Services Branches and PBC Alternate Channels SME Banking and Factoring Cards and Consumer Assets Branch Operations and Credit Wholesale Banking Consumer Credit Risk and Collections Consumer Sales Treasury Services Leasing Corporate Banking Leasing Operations Management Information and Planning Cards Marketing Collections Central Operations Fixed Income Securities Leasing Zone 2 Leasing Recoveries Marketing Services Retail Banking Credit Delivery Channels Nations Insurance Brokers Technology Legal Credit Operations Credit Risk Corporate Banking Delivery Channels Leasing Zone 1 Internal Audit Infrastructure and Administration Business Banking Compliance and Financial Reporting Business Solutions Delivery Channels Credit Risk Leasing and Factoring By looking at the above orgnization chart and that functions, can get clear idea about the how its importace of the operaton mangement in the NTB operations. Here in the chief oprating officer and head operational risk is paly vital role of for the baking operations. They are responsible for the bank oprations as whole. Operational scope No of branches 40, No of leasing centers 9, No of ATM 43 , 6 personal banking centers as well as Internet Banking 2.2. SWOT analysis of NTB Strenght It is subsidiary of Jhon Keels group, idirectly they can gained group strenght. Reputed coporate brand name Coporate brand value is very high Has selected well profitable segment to provide the banking service Wider product portfolio Strong IT net work staff in every layer having experice More than 20yers experaince in that perticualr field. Carryingout more promotion Respect corporate governance Good Internal auditing risk management Weakness Faliures in th the IT system define some operations wrong manner Poor promotion Newly introdce gurnateed invetment paln will be fail because of it is irrational plan. More customer complins prices and products quality Few brach and ATM Suboptoimization is happening Employee discrimination Poor advertising in relation to market leader. Employee selections very static do not willing to new comers and do recruitment based on the personal contact. Poor strategic implication. Try to do mass scale promotion, it has failed Always try todepend group strenght Poor opertations of mini brach in the supermrkets Opportunities expansion opportunity in further in sri lanka in norht south ( war affected areas) Can be offered more differntiated Service by giving well traning for the staff. Customer driven promotion. Customer feed back system over the phone or by SMS,by mail. Rewarding system for employees Threat High competition in the banking industry. Overriding tax ruels and regulation by bank.may have legal risk for business. New management is do not more concern on the operations Paying high premius to get new business without cinsidering future feasibility. 2.3. Importance of operations management NTB To satisfy the share holders objectives Investors are expecting return by investing money on the banking business. If the bank is not generated sufficient of amount of return on the shareholders will not invest in the bank. Therefore its corporate objectives must design and link with operations. To defense the market share face the competition Another main importance area of the operation management is developing strategy to face the competition. To managing the risk of the business Mainly banks facing the following risk; Credit risk Market risk Asset Liability management risk. Operational Risk When look at all the risk are related with the operation with banking business, if bank the bank stopped their business operations there is no any risk to manage for them. Therefore, managing risk of the banking business should have smooth plan to manage the operations. To fulfill rules and regulation of governed by Central bank of the country To fulfill rules and regulation of governed company act and banking acts Supporting decision making Operational informations are giving support to make the decision making. As example to advertising effectiveness evaluate branded saving accounts can be used no of accounts opened up by customers on daily. To adapt new changes on technological information Technological environment is rapidly changing to adopt those changes ATM came into apply to increase banking operational efficiencies. 2.4. Performance analysis of the operations in relation to organization goals and objective External process changes (customer satisfaction) Personal banking service providing branches New investment plan offered by bank 24 hours banking facility Open mini branch in supermarket location. Online bank account opening systems SMS banking system Door step banking system Billing payment system via their mobile phone Internal process changes (to happy internal customers) new auditing system to analyze the business risk Make contract with the international HR consultancy firm for training development of staff. Policies have been changes when issuing loans Transferring staff between branches to reduce Giving good training for newly recruited employees regarding bank operations. To reduce bottlenecks IT system training was provided. To prevent hacking introduced new system PIN by IT 3. Routine banking operation and related resources, tool and systems in support to improve operation quality. As banks it having so many business process, that can be divided into two External business process Customer focused process Under this process defined that banking service which they provide to the customers. Those service are divided into 3 categories Corporate banking Personal banking Treasury Issue Letter of credit Current , saving and fixed deposit Foreign exchange dealings Shipping other guarantees Credit card Forward exchange booking Import export finance Debit cards Commercial paper SWIFT facility Branded Savings accounts Foreign currency swaps Syndicate loans Certificate of deposit Interest rate swaps Project financing Advice on foreign current market movement Securitization Salary remittance package Structuring , managing and underwriting of initial public offering and private placement of equity Housing loans Company valuation restructuring E exchange money transfer facility Structuring of Corporate debt instruments Holiday banking systems Working capital financing Red carpet banking system Bullion trading Off shore banking facility Leasing Internal business process Internal operation centric process Where mainly internal functions related process can be analyzed Marketing Management Ex. process of introduce of new product This the huge process from the idea generating and to launch to customers is having certain approval to procedure such as; Idea generating new service based products Evaluating feasibility with the market condition Getting approval from the Head of the marketing Head of the marketing and Director of the Marketing, brand manger discussing pros and cons of the product, brand name selection, effect of existing products and competitor response Finalized the approval brand name Registering to launch the product preparing budget and get approval for that brochures designing and making agreement with the ad agency Printing pass books Communicating to customers regarding the product via ad Get feed back from the customer Compare budgeted deposit or account to measure whether branches have achieved budgeted sales. Human resources management Opening new Branch fill the staff requirement Forecasting staff requirement Advertise regarding the vacancy application sorting and short listed candidates Call for the interview 1st interview for them and short listed for second interview Call for the second interview Select the right candidate for the job Giving the appointment letter Familiarizing for the organization via inductions Training for that candidate Permanent those staff Internal auditing system Here try to ensure that bank staff follow the procedure as planned and prescribed the accounts and finance. Here they evaluate Analyze search Fraud and errors Management auditing System auditing (IT) Accuracy of accounting entries Analyze search Ineffective accounting procedures Assets auditing Deposit management Under this category try to manage the deposit level with liquidity and profit. By balancing rules and regulations which are governed by central bank. Channel Development System This is described regarding new branch operation and development of customer service. Managing Assets Liability This also very important business process and functions in the banking operations managing their assets and liabilities. If these two are not balancing each other, the bank balance sheet will show impact on assets and liabilities. It should be managed by well qualified management account or fiancà © disciplined person. Otherwise bigger impacts made on the corporate image as well as destroy the customers relationship and may have position go out of the business. Ultimately it will makes huge impact banking system in the economy. Risk Management System major different risk component those are making bigger impact on the business continuation. According to bank information major risk rating as follows; Risk Areas Component of the risk Credit risk Default risk Security risk Sectoral exposure risk Legal risk Counterparty risk Cross border risk Sovereign risk Market risk and Asset Liability management risk. Interest rate risk Liquidity risk Exchange rate risk Investment risk Group financial risk Share price decline risk Country risk Operational Risk Employee behavioral risk such as omission, fraud, judgmental errors, negligence, etc. Disaster related risk Trained staff turnover risk Insider dealing risk Sensitive information leakage risk Lack of creativity and innovativeness Risk on MIS and IT related risks Planning Budget related risks Shortcoming in the organizational structure Credit rating falling risk Money laundering Risk of technological obsolesces Risk failing business volume and market share Risk is being overtaken and losing the leadership position Overtrading risk and risk of financial disintermediation When look at overall risk, high risk show by operational risk compare to other risk areas. Therefore, to analyze any type of these risks, need to have solid information to mitigate those risks in business operation. Operation management Operations managements are looking after following areas. Those are; Bank or branch opening procedure This is very important part in opening branches and head office. Opening must be done without authorized people. If not that is considered as misused of operational rule on the other hand it taken as illegal act. Therefore those rules regulation must very well. Cash handling process by cashiers Main cashier hand over cash to the counter cashier Get it signed on the log book Cashier log on the computer Carryout the day today operation (saving, withdrawals) Handover cash to main cashier after counting Fill the cash summary by using slip Main cashier reconcile the cash with slip Cash put into the safe box Managing bank electronic data Data management is major important part of business process. Bank decisions are making process based on this process. If there is an error in the data, outcome (information) is will be inaccurate, ultimately, made decision are delivering risk picture. Following the appropriate tool for quality assurance of the data applied by the banks; Describing data that is in the warehouse Specifying what In and out of data is warehouse business events scheduling extract based Documenting and monitoring data synchronization requirements Measuring validity quality of data Data process management and security management system for data building Capacity of the bank To improve productivity of service that providing process by bank need improve existing capacity in terms of ATMs, Branch and staff. Loan Management system The following process is involved in under the loan management; Analyzing suspension of the loan and advance Then made reservation or taking legal action to receiver those loans Managing the Finance of the bank Financial management process overlooking low cost funding sources and mainly following procedure also looking after by fiancà ©e manager Working capital management Corporate tax planning Analyzing Investments Debentures and Share issue Corporate planning Budgeting Bank corporate planning and budgeting strategies are followed by operations, main step that is following certain steps in the corporate, business and operations levels. Analyze the Vision, Mission, Goals and objectives of the bank Carryout position audit (SWOT) and environment analysis (PESTEEL) Generate strategic options Analyze strategic options are generated And Develop functional strategies such as finance, marketing, HR, operation, and IT to achieve corporate objectives. Such as Profitability (Profit before tax) return on capital employed of the bank Growth and Market share of the bank Customer satisfaction and value addition for service Quality of service 3.1. Analyzing and evaluating resources, tools and system to support in the quality operation Bank or any other business resources, tools and system can be divided into 3 categories based on value platform. Those are; Customer capital Structured (organizational) capital Human capital (Human Resources Customer loyalty Corporate brand name and it reputation Business collaboration Intellectual property Patents copy rights Design right Service mark Trade mark Infrastructure assets Management philosophy ,Corporate culture, Management process ,Information systems, Net working systems ,Financial relationship Know how (serving offering process) Education level of employee, Vocational qualification, Work related knowledge, Proactive and reactive abilities, Changeability, Occupational assessment 3.2 Define and implement quality management for bank Quality management defined by American Society for Quality Quality is the totality of features and characteristic of product or service that bear on its ability satisfy stated or implied needs. Banks can focus on their quality the following way. Quality of services or business can be measure by using the following methods; Six dimensional performance matrix Balance Score card systems Generic measurement 3.2.1. Six aspect or dimensional performance matrix Dimension of the performance Type of measures Competitiveness Relative market share Measure of customer base Deposit growth Financial performance Profitability Liquidity Capital structure Market ratios Quality of service Reliability Responsiveness Aesthetic/appearance Comfort Friendliness Courtesy Flexibility Volume flexibility Delivery speed flexibility Specification flexibility Resource utilization Productivity Efficiency Innovation Performance of the innovation process Performance of the individual performance 3.2.2. Balance scorecard (BSC) system BSC is identifying financial and non financial measures to evaluate quality of service. 4 pillars are representing by BSC. Those are; Customer perspectives Satisfaction of the customers Financial perspectives Satisfaction of Share holders Internal business process To satisfy both party what must be offered Learning and growth Improving, developing, changing process and procedures to satisfy all the parties in the organization to improve efficiency of the organizations continuously. 3.2.3. Generic measures system To evaluate service efficiency the following generic measures can be implement Generic Measures Type of measurement Service of Quality Access Easy to find out supermarket Appearance Staff appearance, well groomed Availability products availability Cleanness Gondolas and shelf must free from dust Competence Speed of cashiering Courtesy CSA must polite and respect to customers Responsiveness Response any queries Security personal security 3.3. Implementing quality management system (six sigma model) Improve any process performance either production process or service providing process. This model can be implemented and it has 5 steps. Step Define measures Step Measure Step Analyze Step Improve Step Control 4. Identifying Weakness and opportunities in the process 4.1.Weakness analysis and strategic implication Wrongly define some operations To collect the deposit banking assistant are sending to the outide banking premises, that is very risky because the rob or theft money. Faliures in th the IT system Banking industry one of the key driver is IT systms in those suystmens failutre affect couters, ATM or brnach operation. Therefore IT deparment need to take relavent action to prevent this kind of situations. Poor promotion Newly introdce gurnateed invetment paln will be fail because of it is irrational plan.We the customers are get calcualte benefit of the invesment plan, relizing bank try to make fool the new customerss. Therefore NTB need to evaluate that promotion of investment plan. Few brach and ATM To satisfy customers need exiating ATMs and branch are not adequate. Therefore top management need to increase number of ATMs and mini brach increse the customer service. Suboptoimization is happening Employee discrimination This always happen in the top management and they dont allow come with new ideas and try discriminte those people as headche for the bank. This is not acceptable level of pracite because of new ideas are helping to develp the bank service. That culture must changed by HR department. Poor advertising in relation to market leader Commercial bank is market leader in the banking industry but problem is that NTB is not spend sufficient amount of cost on advertising and they have selected brand ambassder as sport star that is not reflect imporatnce of the bank service. cost of staff training is very high and cust down other cost NTB has made an agreement with interanationl HRM consultancy firm to get trian the satff. But it is very cost. There are experianced firms are availble in locall to get bank staff training at resonable cost. That must be changed. Employee selections very static do not willing to new comers and do recruitment based on the personal contact. Junior and senior level staff recruitment is made via personal contact, that is not good practice, it will leads poor operational perfornances.That is need to be chaged by HR department. Poor strategic implication Competition of the banking inductry is very high and NTB strategies not capable enough to cope the competition. Try to do mass scale promotion, it has failed Promotion that made by using brand ambassader was not successful. Even the NTB advertising fail to highlight their major benefit of the each of bank accounts. That has already capitalized by other players of the industry. Always try todepend group strenght JKH is large conglomarate bunines group, therfore NTB try use the those group of companies money in their accounts as corporate accounts. But it will not be successful strategy, if any buisness will fail that will directly affect o on the bank operations. Poor opertations of mini brach in the supermrkets In the supermarket bank service expecting customers are very high, but mini branch is included 3 staff members they cant manage rush time banking operations. 4.2. Opportunities analysis and strategic implication Expansion opportunity in further in sri lanka in norht east ( war affected areas) There is an opportunity to open up new brach north east. Because of those areas high ended customer is having desire to get good banking service. Therefor NTB could capitalize that chance. Can be offered more differntiated Service by giving well traning for the staff NTB staff always having an attitude as most prestige bank, but they need change that attitude and need do differentiated bank service for the customers. Customer driven promotion. By analyzing most valuable customer, NTB must offer rewarding system such as; Interest excemeptions Gift vouchers Seasonal promotions on the minor accounts, Customer feed back system over the phone or by SMS,by mail. This will help to increase the customer satisfaction efficicny of the bank by merging with new technological development.That will help to increase the number of customers and reduce operational failures. Rewarding system for employees To motivate the employees need to have proper and stimulus arisen rewardign system to increase the sales and productivity 5. Conclusion According to the report and based on practical application of operation management, can be make the following conclusions Importance of the operations management will be increased in future This subject will be more developed and that knowledge need put into practice. Operation manager role of will highly important. HR department must play as supportive department in managing people to implement operational strategy Marketing department is play a bigger role when comes to the sales management or branch level operation. To improve the business performance and quality benchmarking need be practiced by any company. Most effective bench marking practice is industry based bench marking.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Topics of Discussion in Educational Studies :: essays research papers

Topics of Discussion in Educational Studies I read the article â€Å"Another Look at what young Children Should Be learning† because the title interested me, how do we decide what to teach and when? Who controls the standards for a school? Is it up to the teacher or is it something that the teachers were told to teach? In many cases I understand that it is a mixture of both the teachers influence and what the teacher is required to do. This makes me think back to my own experiences in school, being taught different thing and now I think, why was I taught that? This article came up with some very interesting points about education.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some of these things that I read in the article I can directly relate to my own experience. In my high school and junior high we always had learning goals. They would come up with acronyms to help us remember them and make us do project involving them. In high school they were called the ESLERS, what it stood for escapes me now. I guess the school thought it was a good idea to make sure that every classroom had these learning goals posted on the wall. I thought that was always a little silly, but I can’t think of a better way of using them. It never really helped me personally but I could see how it could help others. Learning though interaction at a young age was also mentioned in the article, I have memories of this in use as well. In my elementary school we would always have these weird things that would be secretly teaching us something. Like our first grade teacher introduced us to algebra in a way. He drew this machine on the board, and then he said that he is putting a number in one side. Then he showed us what came out the other side, and we had to figure out what the machine did. He let us put in different numbers, and it was fun. If I become a teacher I hope that I could be that creative when it comes to teaching.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the article they talk about how some methods of teaching could be good in the short run test scores, but not in the long run education of the student. They say that the amount of drills and practice in reading is a good way to teach reading, but could undermine the students’ disposition toward reading.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Nietzsche And Platonism Essay -- essays research papers

In Twilight of the Idols Nietzsche writes, "My objection against the whole of sociology in England and France remains that it knows from experience only the forms of decay, and with perfect innocence accepts its instincts of decay as the norm of sociological value-judgments. The decline of life, the decrease in the power to organize, that is to tear open clefts, subordinate and super-ordinate -- all this has been formulated as the ideal in contemporary sociology." (p 541). The culture of Europe at the time of Nietzsche’s writing was experiencing a general decline in vitality which was exemplified in Christianity (Platonism) and anarchy or nihilism. Nietzsche saw himself as a kind of philosophical doctor, capable of diagnosing the sickness of man. These two types of decline made it especially apparent what was wrong with mankind, and in this decadence Nietzsche detected symptoms of nihilism, one of his biggest worries for the culture as a whole. To Nietzsche, Christianity is objectionable because it is a symptom of mankind’s world weariness. In rejecting the realm of the here and now in favor of a transcendent, heavenly afterlife, the Christian reveals his weakness. This weakness was first observed in Plato, whose logic is eventually carried out into the development of Christianity. Plato created the idea that this world is meaningless, and that people do not get rewarded for their actions until after death, and that worldly reality is not worth anything. Nietzsc...

The Ideal Performance Management System Essay -- Management Performan

A comprehensive performance management system will be thorough, inclusive, practical, meaningful, reliable, open, ethical, and correctable among other qualities (Aguinis, 2013). Additionally, the process of managing performance will be an ongoing process to include processes such as coaching and employee development. An ideal performance management system will serve an organization by developing satisfied and competent employees who are actively engaged in aiding the organization to reach their strategic goals, mission, and vision. Consideration of an ideal performance management system for a college of business shall be discussed to include the organizational strategy, systems, implementation factors, and employee development components. Organizational Strategy The primary objective of performance management is to assist organizations to achieve their strategic goals (Aguinis, 2013). These strategies initiate from the organizations vision and mission statements (Johnson, 2013). The performance management system, if effectively developed, will join unit and individual goals with the overall organizational goals so that all parties are working to achieve the same purpose (Aguinis, 2013). An additional benefit can be derived from the performance management plan because it serves to secure employee engagement in the organizational objectives (Aguinis, 2013). At the College of Business, the organizational purpose, vision, and mission are modified to adequately serve these objectives. Organizational Purpose The College of Business is committed to success. The success of students is a primary focus of this organization as a school of business. As an AACSB accredited college, the organization stands well positio... ...ormance appraisal look like? Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 12(1), p. 57-71. Oberoi, M. & Rajgarhia, P. (2013). What your performance management system needs most. Retrieved from Society for Human Resource Management. (2012). Performance management: Can our company’s vision and values be reflected in our performance management system? Retrieved from The Deming Institute. (2014). Theories and teachings. Retrieved from University of Cincinnati. (2013). Vision, mission, and core values. Retrieved from

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Leadership Task

Analysis of my own leadership skills is a difficult task, and requires me to address my own leadership attitudes and behavior as well as my strength's and weakness's. As I have learned in my readings about the different types of leadership styles I would say that my style of leadership is more off Participative approach. In my work I run a small department of five and to accomplish tasks I must work side by side with my staff. We all are active participants, but outcomes and production is ultimately my responsibility.I like to think that my team is an accumulative effort and by encouraging each person to come up with ideas and to share their opinions is our recipe for success. I have created a group atmosphere that has been productive and consistent over the last 2 years. More importantly in my absence my team functions just an efficiently as if I were present. Much like how I run my office is how I run my family. We too are a group of five and as the kids have gotten older they too have become an active participant in goal achievements. I see a lot of similar traits of how I run my office to how I run my home.It is a collaborative effort. One of my strength s a leader would be my communication skill. I always try to take the time to listen. I feel that hearing what my employee's say is crucial in leading them. Our workspace is setup in a circle where we all work together. I could have one of the large offices one floor up, but instead of taking an office away from them I'm right in the trenches with them. I want them to know that I am always available for them. It is not always easy but by eliminating distractions and focusing my attention on my employees needs, demonstrates to them that I am listening.Another strength that I practice is Leading by Example†. I am the first person in the office every morning, and the last person to leave every night. I want them to know that I am present and available to them whenever they need me. I do not take 2-hour lu nches, play computer games, or sleep at my desk. When a new project comes along I am the first person to take an assignment and my assignments are ALWAYS completed on time. I practice what I expect from them, and always try to lead by example. For a complete self-analysis of my leadership skill I must also address my weakness.For one several people have old me that I am too nice. Part because of my personality and part because I think people are happier working for a manager that they get along with. But because of this trait I may sometimes come off as a pushover and people can be tempted to try to take advantage of our relationship. It is sometimes difficult to find the balance between being a friend and being a boss. I can be tough when necessary and I am working on setting better boundaries with my employees. Another weakness I have is taking on too much myself and not delegating. Some tasks I feel no-one can do as well as I can.For example we have this one large report on a sha red drive that needs to be updated on a regular basis, my team provides me all the numbers, and I enter all the numbers. I think to myself that I must be the most handsomely paid data entry person in the world. This is only one example of my lack of delegating skills. This weakness can sometimes create a bottleneck of work for me whereas I should be spending my time on more pressing matters. Additional it demonstrates lack of confidence and fails to develop my team into future leaders. I have been in a position tenure were a disaster. I had a high turnover rate and a low production rate.I would say that early in my position I used an autocratic approach that Just did not work for me. These types of leaders keep close supervision of employees and have a purely professional relationship with their staff. They make decisions on their own without input from others. They dictate the who, how and when of work assignments. When I think about Autocratic leadership I equate that too micro- m anager. When it was me, I spent more time watching them then working on my own assignments. Not very productive and it was too stressful for me. Another type of leadership style is the delegated.As previously stated this would be very difficult for me to be. This leader assigns work and leave's an employee to their own talents and resources to complete tasks. The employee can come and go as they wish as long as assignments or tasks are completed and turned in on time. Because outcomes are my responsibility I need to be involved in tasks, I need to know that things are on schedule and getting done. By being an active participant helps me to reduce my stress and be more in control. By having a better understand of different types of dervish styles helps me to be a more productive leader in a couple different ways.By taking away qualities from other styles of leadership help me to become a better- rounded leader. First it reminds me how I use to feel earlier in my position. I was stres sed out, tense, abrupt, and totally ineffective. I realize that the autocratic style of leadership definitely has its place and may be effective for others; however it is not the approach that works for me. I am much happier by having a relationship with my employee. I feel it is important to connect personally with those that you spend 40 lust hours every week with. I like to work with people and not have people work for me.Different leadership styles can cause conflicts in the workplace. For example a problem that can arise in the work place could be a personality conflict. An example of this is when new management comes on board and different personalities and leadership styles are introduced. Change is never easy; establish if it is thrust upon you. Another conflict that can occur is often due to emotion and perceptions about somebody else's intentions. This can occur for example when a leader showing favoritism for one employee over another. One of the worst things you can do t o lose the respect of your subordinates by not being fair.Respect is paramount to achieve success. There are a couple of ways to overcome personality conflicts in the workplace. For one is to take the time to get to know your employees. By getting to know them, you are letting them get to know you. It is a win, win situation. Another way to avoid conflict especially if you are a new manager coming into a situation is by being clear about the direction and changes you have planned. Honesty and immunization are key to conflict resolution. An always remember the best way to prevent personality conflict in the workplace, is to not take things personally.It is Just business, not personal. Fairness is of the utmost importance when dealing with teams. Favoritism has no place at work and if a manager demonstrates that they will not have the trust of their employees. Trust is a major issue, and to build trust you must be impeccable with your word. By again communicating clearly goals and obj ectives and being consistent with your follow through is a good start to build trust. But if it needs to be said, I'll say it, don't show any favoritism! It will be detrimental to the success of a team and all should be treated equally.Although we are all different, there are potential advantages that may be created between different leadership styles. An effective manager will recognize when to use which leadership style in order to produce results. An autocratic leader makes it own decisions without any input from others and this could be beneficial when a new direction or a drastic change is necessary. When timing is crucial and decisions need to be made this leadership style has its advantages. A delegating approach to leadership is the polar opposite and will assign task, provide necessary resources, and guidance, but backs off and let the team work at their own pace.This style would be advantageous if you work with a group that is highly effective, experienced, and motivated. Then there is the participative approach to leadership that is somewhere in the middle of autocratic and delegating styles. This leader is very hands on and works with the team by building morale and most effective if demodulating is an issue. By empowering them to be part of the decision making recesses the employee feels important and can motivate them to go above and beyond what is expected of them.To increase productivity you can capitalize on the different styles of leadership based on the individual situations. If you are in a position where decisions have to be made quickly, use the autocratic style of leadership. This style of leadership can also be a benefit if your work is particularly stressful. This can allow a person to concentrate on doing their Job and not worry about making decision. Utilizing a delegating approach allows a leader to capitalize n individual employee's strength and talents to increase productivity.This style allows for flexibility and better collabora tion. In a participative style of leadership this encourages employees to share or participate in the decision making process. Which gives the employee a vested interest in their work and can benefit productivity. Rather than sticking to one type of leadership approach evaluate the circumstances and adjust your style. The best leaders can adjust their thinking to how it is most beneficial at different times, remembering that productivity depends on effective leadership.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Ethic Simulation Essay

This calendar week I digressicipated in two ethic Game Simulations The thick Blogger and The conceal ID. The dim Blogger was close to the leaking of confidential information by an employee and the implements of a second employee. The Veiled ID presented an loose that arises as the attach to tried to action more strict security bailiwicks.The Mysterious Blogger had me playing the part of the Director of training Technology for G-Bio Sports Company. During a routine end the department finds there is an employee that is posting blogs about the company and although 90% of the information is not confidential and questions guard this is a tripping violation of the company form _or_ system of government. An anonymous netmail is also received by me this check indicates the abduce of the person posting the blogs. This information was obtained by hacking this persons personal computer. My department was able to bring out the name of both employees impactd. There is an eth ical know on both founts one employee is violating the NDA policy and the other is violating the privacy of another employee. The action of both employees can cause study harm to the company. It is important to identify everyone that require to be informed of the note and contumacious the proper way to handle the situation. both employees have been with the company for a plot of ground and argon an asset to the company. Based on this information I do desire that both employees need to be check into and made aware of the heartbreakingness of their actions at the same time ensure safety concerns are address.My next step is to involve the proper stakeholders, our HR Director and our sound Counsel they ordain help me formalize my position and outline next locomote. The Veiled ID, I play the part of the young man Director of Operations. Thecompany has recently suffered a breach in security a former employee broke into a laboratory causing not only modify to the equipment but harmed another employee in the process. A new security system is being put in come forward to entertain employees and our clients. Every employee will be necessary to carry a work acknowledgment that will include a icon without the ID they will not be allow in in the building. Although the solution seems to very open I did not take into favor that some of our employees cannot be photograph payable to religious beliefs. After, determining who will be affected by my termination and discussing the issue with a representative of our Human resource Department, Training Manager and, other employees. We refractory that the photo ID will still be require however, there will be some measures put in place to accommodate people with special needs.In conclusion, by utilizing the Rights and Responsibility Lens and the Baird good model I was able to recover the best purpose for each narrate situation. The decision was the result of a serious of steps that help me first identi fy the issue, the people affected and the effect that my decision would have had in the community. Each steps helps you understand what is morally right and dependable for the primary stakeholders and the community and how your decision do impacts others. Making sure that you understand everyone that will be affected either instanter or indirectly is important forward to making your final decision. Doing the right issue is not good to following company procedure it is also about defend the shareholders affaire and the interest of the company.In the case where the companys policies were violated, the company must(prenominal) crystalize a sound decision that that produces an outcome in the best interest of the company and its stakeholders. The ethical perspectives used to make the decisions during the simulation were base on options inclined in each scenario. In the simulation, you were to check off the best outcome for each scenario based upon the information given. Neit her one of the scenarios had a right nor was wrong answer it just the best ethical decision you read fair for all parties involved. The important part is to make sure that each situation its analyzed and all the components are taking into consideration prior of making your final decision.ReferenceTrevio, L. K. & Nelson, K. A. (2011). Managing business ethical motive Straight talk about how to do it right (5th ed.).